Alex's Alliterative Adventures

Thoughts on Programming, Life, and Travel

It hurts so interesting

I have a splitting headache.  I get headaches extremely infrequently, and I’ve never had one that I would identify as anything more than mild discomfort. If it didn’t feel like a tiny gnome was trying to excavate my upper left sinus, it would be really cool.

Some statistics: I’ve applied for internships with at least 48 companies so far.  I’ve been rejected by three, and I have a potential phone interview with one. A vast majority of the rest have probably rejected me already, and I’ll never know.  I’ve narrowed the 955 applicable job postings on waterloo’s employment site down to 49, most of which I’ll apply for, all of which I’ll have to apply for by my own means in the next 8 hours. I’ve been given two personal industry email addresses, and the inside scoop on several companies in at least 2 countries. I also have one part-time job lined up for about a month from now.

Trying to become gainfully employed builds character.


2 Comments so far

  1. Grandma September 26th, 2006 8:14 am

    I agree and your character probably needs building Just be thankful that it was not a large gnome

  2. Alex September 26th, 2006 8:49 am

    I build so much character last night, I now have an overstock large enough to characterize a small country.

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