Alex's Alliterative Adventures

Thoughts on Programming, Life, and Travel


The past month and a half have been a whirlwind of progress. My first paycheck made its way into my new bank account. I have a cell phone contract with an internet plan. I managed to get my cell phone to share its sweet, sweet intersphere with my laptop, so I can finally facebook from the comfort of my own home.

I should actually have my own home soon, maybe even by Christmas. I’m trying to get my hands on a German driver’s license, and if my German lessons keep going well, I might even be able to read a German driver’s license soon.

But the hardest adjustment has been learning to live without the internet at home. For the past month, I couldn’t translate cooking instructions, find directions, send email, phone friends and family, research programming questions, or watch Comedy Central. It hasn’t been all bad, though. After a week of painful withdrawal, I found new ways to pass the time. I’ve rediscovered how much fun it is to watch TV with the roommates. I’ve read a small book’s worth of Paul Graham‘s essays (downloaded ahead of time, of course). If you’re thinking about starting a startup, or just looking for a good read, then you should already be clicking.

I’ve also done an obscene amount of programming. I started writing a simple 2D game creator in 2007 to build my portfolio and try new aspects of game development. I’ve worked on it in spurts over the past year or so, but I’ve probably accomplished more in my first internetless month here than I did in the last two semesters of my degree. I still have a lot of work to do, but my little hobby has started to turn into something I’m rather proud of.

I might even follow in my mentor‘s footsteps and release the damn thing.


2 Comments so far

  1. jason January 11th, 2009 8:10 am

    Hi Alex, remember me? it’s been a while since high school.. anyways, I noticed you’re still into tech, start-ups, and game design. Funny how life turns out huh? I sort of know what you’re going through minus the language barrier; I recently moved to Silicon Valley to pursue my dreams too; although not on the technical side of things.

    Hope you’re adjusting well!

    Jason W

  2. Alex January 11th, 2009 2:03 pm

    Jason, of course I remember you!

    What are you up to in the valley? Are you diving into a startup of your own?

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